Bella does Cosplay #7: SUPERGIRL


Bella has put together a SUPERMAN version of her usual accoutrements.

SUPERMAN is not only the favorite superhero of Randy Green aka R-Son The Voice of Reason aka one-half of the rapping components of blue-grass sensation Gangstagrass aka one-fifth of the geek culture radio show/podcast Black Tribbles, but Supes may be literally Randy’s role-model in life.

Truthfully, Randy is the product of his retired police officer father and uncle who instilled a high moral base within the 6′4″ hip-hopper that guides through most aspects of life. He’s a good father to his 3 children, a true friend to those lucky enough to call him one and a faithful, respectful mate to his lady love. I think it safe to say that those are qualities he sees in Superman and tries toi emulate in his life.

But its also true that Randy is hard pressed to give a #@&$ about a lot of things that geeks go rapid for and ain’t afraid to say so. Deadpool – don’t give a #@&$! Fan Fiction – don’t give a #@&$! The Man of Steel haters – don’t give a #@&$! He takes to Facebook often with his rants, which are entertaining and, unlike a lot of social media rants, based on informed opinions as opposed to hurt feelings. Check them out when you get a minute.