Bella does Comics#4: CALVIN & HOBBES


(originally posted August 22, 2015)

I have admitted to subliminally training my daughter’s mind when she was a baby for a lifetime of intense Batman worship but she found Calvin and Hobbes on her own.

Sure, I had the annual collection of newspaper strips on the shelf in the house but so were her many manga books, Yu-Yu Hakashu (or whatever) DVDs and of course, Batman. But Olivia picked up Calvin and Hobbes: Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons on her own when she was about 11-12 years old, preceded to the bathroom and emerged, 25 minutes later, a Bill Watterson devotee.

Bill Watterson. Batman. Bathroom. Three of the Bs in the Len-Livvy connection. There’s also Beatrice – my mother, her grand. And birthday as in August 20th as in her 22nd one.

Happy Birthday, Livvy.