Bella does Cosplay #6: HIT-GIRL


Bella is collecting scalps as Mark Millar/John Romita Jr.’s HIT-GIRL of Kick-Ass fame.

I think there are mixed opinions on both the comic books and movies based on Kick-Ass. I liked the premise of the book; not so much the execution. Same for the movies (though it gave the world good Nicholas Cage for the first time in a long time).

What is undeniable about the films is the mesmerizing performance of Chloë Grace Moretz as Hit-Girl. She electrified the screen, owned the camera, gave a nuanced performance walking the line between searing rage and imploding anxiety. And she’s gone on to outshine Denzel Washington in The Equalizer.

You don’t see her name in police blotters, she’s not bouncing from club to club, she reads her scripts for meaty roles. she works on maintaining as normal a life as possible for a 18 year-old Hollywood actress voted one of the 25 Most Influential Teens of the year by Time magazine (October 2014).

I wish her success.